Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hunger games

"OK" I have seen all the  hoop hallaa on this movie so I went into this one with big hopes. But to me this was kind of disturbing watching kids made to fight and kill each other. I also heard how the girl in this was better than Angelina Jolie? At that one I say NOT!! The end of this was very disappointing to me. I give this movie 3 stars out of 5. I hope the book was better. I would of loved to seen the kids turn on the leaders and take them out..

21 Jump Stree

If you go to this show it will insult every part of your intelligent mind you might have. This show starts out slow but by the end you will want to go back to high school and play Peter Pan in the next school play, go to the prom and get in a shoot out with some drug dealers or get in a car chase with three stretched limousines. This show is crazy fun and I give it 4.5 stars out of 5 this one is not for the under 16 crowd. "Oh" and by the way guys you will say OUCH!! at the end... 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The three Musketeers

The three Musketeers This is a fun show. It has allot of the same old stuff. I kind of thought it added some Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean in it. I give this 4 stars out of 5

Saturday, March 24, 2012

John Carter

John Carter,  This to me was one of the best Sci-Fi this year. This was a mix of Star Wars, Sherlock Holmes and Alien and Cowboys. I always knew there was Martians. I give this movie 4.5 stars out of 5. This is a must see, enjoy 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fright Night

Movie Time! "Fright Night" Lost Boys move on over. for a vamp movie it was a fun and had some some pretty good effects and had some good laughs. can you say cult movie? hmmm maybe? I give this movie 3.5 stars out of 5

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Devil Inside

Movie Time! The Devil Inside another mocumentary this one  just goes from bad to really bad. Let me save your money it ends in a car crash. The best part of the movie is when you walk outside after this one and you smell the fresh air. I give this a 1.5 stars out of 5

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Movie Time! Mission Impossible 4 Ghost Protocol. Thank God for this movie! it made my movie weekend worth it. This show was packed with some new stuff but some same old crap "Tom Cruise". This show will keep you on your toes from the start. You will feel like you got your money's worth with this show. I give this show 4 stars out of 5. Just as good  as any of the others.

Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance

Movie Time! Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance. The first part of the movie was a hectic mess. It pulls it out half way through when the action starts to match a plot. When it was over you feel like you just plaid a game of dodge ball and you are the last one hit. The ghost face transformation and some of the acting was kind of corny. I give this show a 2 stars out of 5. The first one was much better.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Movie Time! "Chronicle" I just don't know what it is about movies that have the actors walk around with a cameras filming the movie. IE Cloverfield, Blair Witch Project, Paranormal 1,2,3, Apollo 18, and now let's add to these and a few others the Chronicle movie. When a movie sucks this is how you make the home movie fanatics go to a show, you make them feel like they are watching home videos. Maybe that's how you suck them away from Funniest Home Video on TV. So if you like this format this one is for you. IMDb gives this 7.6 but I give it 2 stars out of 5.

Journey to The Mysterious Island

Movie Time! Journey to The Mysterious Island and Journey to the center of the earth with Brendan Fraser are one and the same. One thing sets them apart. The Rock sings "It's a beautiful world". Yes the Rock can sing well he tries anyway. This is a fun Family show that takes you on another adventure. I give this show 3.5 stars out of 5. I would buy this for your family when it comes out or it would make a good family night out at the movies.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Catch 44 and Drive

Movie Time! I just got through with two movies Catch 44 and Drive. Both had drugs, money, and killing of degenerates. Catch 44 you watch two people sit in a dinner and talk for half of the movie and you have three girls with guns. I forgot this movie by the time I put in the next one. I give this movie 2.5 stars out of 5. Then I put in Drive. IMDb gave this 8 out of 10 so I went into this with high hope. Again this show was another money mobs killings. This show started out with some hope and had some action in it but to me it's just another law breaking thug movie like the first one. So if your into that type of entertainment these movies are for you. I give 3.5 stars out of 5 for Drive. I will not put either one in my movie collection.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tower Heist

Movie Time!  Tower Heist This is a Bernie Madoff victim fill good movie but I think it's a big stick in the eye of the people that really got ripped off. It's a somewhat fun movie but hay it should be with Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy. Not one there best and it's just one to rent. I give this show 3 stars out of 5 don't go into this show with too much high expectations. But it did have a Yorkie in it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Movie Time! Immortals I feel like I just sat through another Greek Mythology class in Junior High school at least in this one they did not release the Cracken but they do release the Titans. and the Gods are at war again. I give this show 3.5 stars out of 5 because the battles are just to fake and the acting was lame. Its a good rental not worth buying.

Underworld Awakening

Movie Time! Underworld Awakening  OMG Underworld will never die so if your into Vamps and Lykans, they leave the show open again for more and I can't wait. This show was packed again. It takes you about five or ten minutes to figure out what's going on then it's just hold on to your seat. This show is total mayhem so go into this show for a good workout because you are going to feel like you just had sex for two hours striate. OK maybe that's a bit much but don't go to this show if you want to sit back and just eat popcorn. I give this show 4.5 stars out of 5 because its "s-o-s" just another time. This makes up for being violated by Twilight movies 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dream House

Movie Time! Dream House, This is a movie if I say anything about it, it would be too much and ruin it for you.  Let's just say is your Dream House the Right one. I give this movie 4 stars out of 5 because I was not ready for this one.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Movie Time! Just watched 50/50. This show make you feel lots of things good and bad. Make you ask "What kind of friends do you have and could you count on them if you really need them" I give this a 4.5 stars out of 5 after this show you will take another look at your life and friends. Good stuff..

Apollo 18

Movie time! Just watched the movie Apollo 18. It was a very hard movie to watch. They tried to hard to make it look real and made it look like two kids using there cell phone cameras to make a movie. The rocks on the moon turn into spider that bite you and kill you. I give this a 1.5 stars out of 5. Its time to go take an aspirin for the head ache it gave me.

Shark Night

Movie Time! "Shark Night" College Kids, Boats, Bikinis, Sharks, Hillbillies, Sharks eat College Kids, Sharks eat Hillbillies, Two of the kids survive. Movie gets 2 stars out of 5 for the 3D.

Money Ball

Movie Time! I liked his kid and the guitar and the way she polled it all together in the end. Great flic for the baseball fan but I don't like the A's, But I am a Rockies fan and wish they would of put more Giambi in it. 4 out of 5 for me

The Thing

Movie Time ! The Thing was much like the first one but with a little twist they added an alien space ship so you can say they mix in the X-File movie. The monster was not much better than the first one so I would rate this a 3 out of 5. I would rent this one. It's not one I would buy.


Movie Time! Do you forget to wash your hands or cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Do you shake everyone's hands. The Movie Contagion will make you think twice before you touch anything someone ells has. When you're out and about count how many times you touch your face when you go to Wal-Mart and push a shopping cart you did not clean first. If you have a cold do not watch this show until you are better. I give this show 3 stars out of 5 this show is hard to watch but it makes you think. are you ready if this happens...

Captain America the First Avenger

Movie Time! Yup I have lots of time to watch movies. I just watched Captain America the First Avenger. This was a fun movie It had much more in it than I thought it would. I liked the way they mixed the old with the new. I give this show a 4 out of 5 stars

Fast Five

Movie Time !! OK I just lost my last team in the play-offs and I have been saving this movie for when i was down in the dumps. Let's talk Fast Five OMG! this made me forget all about my Packers only because they are my second team. This movie was packed with total destruction and mayhem I was in it after the first smash and crash to the end and the money shot snag. A little over the top with the two small cars dragging a hug safe around the streets of Rio. It was a fun and I give it 4.5 out of 5.

Conan The Barbarian

Movie Time! Ok the Broncos I had to turn off and put in a flic that mad me fill better so I watched Conan The Barbarian. The show was not bad and I do think it was some what better than the first one. What a differences a few years make with the special effects. Now on the other hand the Broncos need to do the same thing and get better special effects or Tebow needs a new religion that works when we need a big win. Maybe God was mad at him for the underwear commercials.. I give the movie 3 stars out of 5

Real Steel

Movie Time !! Just watched Real Steel. that was a fun show ! This show had more than just a robot fight in it. I would love to see all dads take there boys to this one. Something special will happen to there friendship I'm sure.. I give this show 4.5 out of 5 stars.


ATLAS SHRUGGED. The total destruction of the Democrats and there social system. Ask yourselves.. Who is John Galt? Please tell the Democrats to let us take care of our neighbors so we can receive the thanks and the love back from them. Only then will we become a United country again. Don't take that choice from us or we all be on the streets waiting for our Democratic hand outs.. I give Atlas Shrugged part 1 five out of five stars for the wake up call.. Please put part two out ASAP!!!

30 minutes or less

Movie Time!! Just watched 30 minutes or less. If you can get through the first hour of the movie you can have fun with the rest. Maybe that's why it's called 30 minutes or less because that's all that is worth watching 30 minutes or less... 2 stars out of 5.